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VIP Fitness Center July 22, 2024
Ready to Transform? (3 Steps!)

Would you like to be thinner? Have better habits? And feel more positive about life?

You may think that change is hard, that it takes time. But it really doesn’t have to be.

I believe that lasting change happens in an instant.

Sure, this goes against mainstream belief. Most believe that change has to be a struggle. They expect to try and fail numerous times before ultimately losing or succeeding.

For example, how many people do you know who struggle with their weight? These are people who want to make a healthy change by getting in shape, but the change never seems to happen.

What is the biggest part of your life that you want to change? Do you have inches to lose? Do you have preventable diabetes? Do you have a pair of skinny jeans that you want to fit into? Or maybe you have an unreached goal completely unrelated to fitness.

What specifically is keeping you from making this change in your life?

According to professional speaker and author, Tony Robbins, it’s the preparation for change that takes times. In the end there’s a single instant when the change occurs.

Use these 3 steps to instantly create a lasting change and a reinvented you.

Step #1 to Reinvent Yourself: Believe that something in your life must change.

Do you kinda want to get into shape, or do you absolutely have to lose the weight? Does dropping a few pounds sound nice, or is living another day in your current body simply unbearable? In order to reinvent yourself, you must believe wholeheartedly that things must change.

Step #2 to Reinvent Yourself: Believe that you must change it.

It is vital that you take full responsibility in making the change rather than assigning responsibility elsewhere. Sure, others may help you, but in the end you are the one who is going to make it happen. You have to want this change enough to make it your personal mission—no one else can do it for you.

Step #3 to Reinvent Yourself: Believe that you can change it.

Don’t let past failures get you down. The truth is that you are capable of amazing things when you put your mind to it. Believe that you are able to lose weight or to make any other positive change in your life.

Why do most people fail to make change stick? They rely on willpower. This works for awhile, but you’ll soon revert back to what’s comfortable. The solution?

Change what you are comfortable with. People are motivated by two things: 1) to avoid pain and 2) to gain pleasure. When you want to change a behavior pattern the key is to associate pain with the behavior that you don’t want and pleasure with the behavior that you do want.

You know that you want to lose weight and that to do so you need to quit eating comfort food late at night. You also know that you need to start exercising on a regular basis. Up until this point your brain is trained to associate pleasure with eating comfort food late at night and to associate pain with exercise.

It’s time to retrain your brain to feel good about exercise and to feel bad about eating late at night. Think about all of the negative things about being overweight and connect these unpleasant thoughts to your late night snack. Now think about all of the wonderful things about being in shape and connect these pleasant thoughts to exercise.

You are capable of making big changes in your life. Start by contacting me for your no obligation fitness consultation.

Remember, change happens in an instant.

Are you ready to transform your lifestyle and body? Call or email me today to get started.

Don’t forget to FEEL it

Your emotions play a huge part in determining your actions, so don’t skim over the step where I told you to become emotionally invested in achieving your goal.

The best way to do this is to spend time daydreaming about what life will be like once your goal has been accomplished. Let the image of the new you, in your newly improved body, play out in your mind over and over.

Feel it at your core.

3 Ingredient 5-Min Frozen Yogurt

Here’s an insanely delicious recipe for Protein Frozen Yogurt that will satisfy even the pickiest of eaters! It’s hard to believe that it contains such wholesome, protein-packed ingredient to help fuel your fitness results, considering how delicious it tastes.

You could certainly make this recipe using whatever vanilla protein powder you have on hand, though do know that the quality of the protein will have an effect on the flavor of your frozen yogurt. Use one that’s really tasty!

In order to get the most out of the supplements that you use, make sure to get the highest quality without fillers or artificial sweeteners.

What you need
Serves 4

2 cups Non-Fat Plain Greek Yogurt (or dairy-free yogurt)
10 ounces frozen strawberries
2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder


1. Divide the Greek yogurt into 2 ziplock bags and store in the freezer overnight, or for a minimum of an hour.

2. Remove the yogurt from the freezer and, while it's still in the bags, break into pieces. If it's really solid then place in the fridge for 10 minutes and then break it into pieces.

3. Place the frozen strawberries in a food processor and pulse to chop. Add the protein powder and frozen yogurt and blend until creamy.

4. Serve immediately. Garnish with fresh strawberries and enjoy!

One serving equals: 138 calories, 0g fat, 95mg sodium, 12g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, 7g sugar and 23g protein.

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PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you take YOUR fitness to the next level:

1. Activate a 1 day trial of BootCamp at VIP Fitness Center This will give you a chance to experience our award winning weight and fat loss Bootcamp in action, and see first hand how we've helped over 10,000 people in the greater Bergen County area.  Send an emailto, and put "Boot Camp Trial" in the subject line.

2. Try a 1 on 1 Personal Training Session at VIP Fitness Center
This will give you a chance to experience the flexibility and customization that a 1 on 1 personal training session provides.  Send an email to, and put "PT Session" in the subject line.

3. Work with me One-on-One Do you have a goal that ABSOLUTELY MUST be reached and you'll do anything to get there? I only work with one client at a time via application process and this not for 99% of people. If sounds like it IS for you... just reply to this message and put "One-on-One" in the subject line... tell me a little about your goals and what you'd like to work on together, and I'll get you all the details!



Brian Hernandez

1620 Lemoine Ave. 2nd Fl.
Fort Lee, New Jersey

201 9472003